We’ve Got Your Back
As a website hosting company, one question we occasionally get is about our backup process. RainStorm’s support team is responsible for this part of our managed hosting, making sure that all our clients’ sites are protected.
Backups are critical, for every website.
When something has caused a site to break, it’s always a terrible discovery.
A worse discovery is when a site breaks and there are no site backups at all—recreating a website from scratch is not a great use of your time!
Thankfully, a complete site meltdown is a rare occurrence. But if a site does fail, and we’re your website host, we already have a plan to get the site back up and running quickly. Every site that is entrusted to our care is backed up so our clients never have to worry about losing their data or extensive downtime.
Every day matters!
Every single day, we make a full backup of each site’s database and file structure in the wee hours of the morning (between midnight – 5:00am, Eastern time) when people are least likely to be making site changes.
We keep daily backups of your site for 30 days and store a full monthly backup of your site going back several months.
If the worst happens
RainStorm support can typically retrieve individual files from these backups, and can rollback a site to “last night’s backup” or to an older “monthly backup” within an hour of notification. Even earlier backups for specific days–though it might take slightly more work–can be brought online without significant downtime.
In most circumstances, our system is also able to resolve accidental file deletions and database corruptions so your site–whether built on WordPress or another platform–will quickly resume working correctly.
Preparing for major changes
One important point to note is that, of course, if a backup is put in place, changes made after that backup won’t be included in the restored website. However, you can prepare if you know you’re going to do something major (like
If you are going to make some big changes or major updates to your website and are concerned about the timing of the regular backup, you’re welcome to call or email our support staff.
We can create a new backup to give you extra peace of mind, and of course, in the event that something happens – we’re always here to make sure it all works out, every day!
We always have your back, and your backup!