NEFIS Portal Launches
We’re happy to announce the launch of the Northeast Forestry Information Source portal and to add it to our growing family of document repository websites!
NEFIS’ site is an online, open-source web portal featuring an easily searchable database of documents/resources serving the information needs of forest managers and researchers in the Northeastern US and eastern Canada.
Users can register and easily add documents and resources and easily download, comment on, and rate documents. It includes a forum and newsletter feature with daily, weekly and monthly options to users to receive a feed of most recently published items.
Benefits of the portal include:
- Ability for users to easily add documents/resources
- Ability for owners to easily moderate documents/resources before they are published live
- Ability for users to easily download, comment on and Rate documents/resources
- Easy registration process
- Automatic email notifications to admins of new documents/resources being submitted
- Automatic email notifications to authors, once the document/resource has been published
- Easily searchable database of documents/resources, separated by custom categories
- Filtering of search results by Title, Views, Ratings, Upload date, and Downloads
- Newsletter feature with Daily, Weekly and Monthly options, newsletter lists feed of most recently published documents/resources
- User forum
Check out the new site today at